Leadership Coach
neuro distinct talent
Change starts with meaningful, impactful conversations.
Our tailored coaching programmes are expertly curated to empower employers and employees to better support and leverage distinct talents in the workplace while enhancing welfare and boosting productivity.
Neuro-inclusion matters
In a world focused on diversity and equality, neuro inclusion remains an undervalued minority group. Misunderstood and under-supported in workplaces, neurodivergent talent, despite its significance, is often marginalised. Recognising the cognitive diversity inherent in all individuals, it's crucial to prioritise and uplift neuro inclusion, fostering an inclusive collective experience. The increasing number of diagnosed neurodivergent individuals entering the workforce emphasises the heightened need for access, support, equality, and fairness. Recognising the cost-saving significance of staff retention, inclusive workplaces not only meet the expectations of neurodivergent individuals but also attract top talent from Generation Z, enhancing overall workplace dynamics and competitiveness.
Underemployment rates among neurodivergent individuals are alarmingly high, ranging from 30-40%. Coaching offers effective strategies for employers and employees to thrive, irrespective of neuro-difference.
Throughout my work, I noticed a rise in the number of clients disclosing their neurodivergent diagnoses.
My coaching, firmly grounded in embracing a spectrum of human communication and behaviour styles, resonates particularly well with neurodiverse leaders, nurturing welfare within organisations.